Hello and welcome to our team page! If you have been referred to this site, it is because someone you know is on Stephanie Godoy’s Rodan and Fields team and they think you’d be a perfect fit on our team, OR you have recently joined our team and are ready to get started with your Consultant Training!
Our mantra is Believe, Succeed, Repeat. We are a group of over 600 Men and Women across Canada, the United States and Australia all with one common mindset: We dream big. We believe we have the ability to achieve those dreams. We succeed, and then we dream even bigger. We all represent the top selling skincare brand in North America and love helping people gain access to premium skincare products that can truly change lives. The best part is, you can work this business when you want and how you want to. By joining our Rodan and Fields team you will be working for yourself, but never by yourself. Our team is especially supportive, collaborative, fun and encouraging – and we truly want every person who joins to be as successful as they want to be!